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  So here are my suggestions for affiliate programs networks offering CPA that have high payouts and reliably send me a check each month. My suggestion is to sign up for all of them, compare their offers, and test until you find winners.
  HydraNetwork - this is a biggie and has fresh offers to promote every day. Last year I did about $40k with them. They are particular about who they allow on their network. You can expect them to call you after you apply to verify your credentials. It helps if you have previous affiliate experience. I seriously considered not including this one so I wouldn’t create competition, but I figure there’s plenty to go around
  Market Leverage - I just started using Market Leverage after meeting them at TRAFFIC a couple weeks ago. They had one of those “money booths” where you stand in it and fans blow money all around as you try to grab it. (Thanks for the $43 by the way!) My early test results are positive as they have good offers and high payouts. The cool thing is they FedEx your check each month, regardless of how little (or big) it is.
  OfferFusion - I do about $1k-$2k a month with OfferFusion promoting just one offer. I’ve received reliable payments from them for a couple years and highly recommend them.
  these programs will work for you, too. If the program calls you to make sure you’re a fit for their program, be sure to mention you’re a domainer and read about them on Domain Name Wire.

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